The PLANT 2030 ACADEMY fosters the professional and personal development of plant science doctoral students and early stage postdocs, funded by the BMBF. The aim is to facilitate their qualification and establishment as renowned researchers within the applied plant science community.
The activities within the PLANT 2030 ACADEMY are adapted specifically to the needs of plant scientists and complement existing offers. Online activities as well as selected events are open to the public premising registration.
Activities and news
Scientific Poster Design
Online course starting Dec 2, 2024
This is the second chapter of our trilogy on professional visualization and presentation of scientific data.
In short video lectures, this course gives you guidelines on how to present complex data on a limited space to create a professional, impactful scientific poster.
Canva for Scientists
Live Event, September 24, 2024
The 2024 Social Media Live Event will teach scientists how to use Canva to create visually appealing graphics for communicating research on social media. The seminar covers design principles, creating engaging posts, and includes a Q&A with expert Anna Pashkowa.
Mentoring Kick-Off
Online seminar starting June 17, 2024
The online kick-off seminar marks the beginning of the new mentoring period. We will introduce the mentoring program through short video lectures. We support you in analyzing your indivudual situation, setting mentoring goals and finding a suitable mentor.
BioHighTech for Plant Breeding
Gatersleben; June 4-5, 2024
The workshop took thirty young plant scientists to the BioTech-Campus “Green Gate Gatersleben”, an internationally renowned research site in which academic and private institutions apply high technologies such as phenomics, genomics, data science, and artificial intelligence tools to foster plant research.
Epigenetics in Plants
Online course Nov-Dec 2023
The analysis of epigenetic mechanisms in plants has made tremendous progress in recent years and a wide range of developmental and physiological processes has been shown to be affected by epigenetic regulation. Our PLANT 2030 ACADEMY online course provides a compact introduction to this research field.