Career opportunities
Sep 26, 2019 – Sep 27, 2019 Berlin

What to do after graduation or postdoc?
Training in plant science offers a variety of career opportunities. But which job suits you? What does everyday working life look like in research, in a public agency, in sales, in public relations? What is it like to to start a company?
At the workshop in Berlin, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from the PLANT 2030 ACADEMY gained a comprehensive picture. 15 people came together for a lively exchange about job prospects and current topics in plant science.
Excursions led to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and ECF Farm. The BfR provided exciting insights into on-site research, challenges in risk assessment and communication as well as career opportunities for scientists. In the ECR farm, the aquaponic system for growing plants in a greenhouse in combination with fish farming was presented. Co-founder Nikolas Leschke talked about the development from the backyard project to the economically working farm.
A highlight was the job speeddating, in which the young researchers had the opportunity to meet experts who have taken different career paths. In personal conversations, they learned more about everyday working life, how to get there, and the advantages and disadvantages of the job. Ricarda Rieck of the Federal Funding Advisory Service on Research and Innovation gave insights into how to get information about tenders and what kind of help there is.
In a panel discussion on the regulation of genome editing, Georg Leggewie from the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) explained how the European Court of Justice ruled and what impact this will have on plant research and breeding. The insights were immediately implemented during a guided tour of the newly opened Futurium. In the "nature think-tank", which deals with, among other things, the genetic modification of plants, there was lively discussion at a high level about new breeding technologies with other visitors to the exhibition.
Impressions from the workshop in Berlin
Pictures © Matthias Arlt