Outreach and phenotyping
Sep 17, 2018 – Sep 18, 2018 Köln / Jülich

The fourth workshop on September 17-18, 2018, was packed with a diverse program on plant research and beyond.
The excursion to the Wissenschaftsscheune ("Science Barn") at the MPI of Plant Breeding Research in Cologne offered insights on the outreach of plant research and how to communicate complex and difficult topics. The German Plant Phenotyping Network (DPPN) in Jülich opened the door to their renowned phenotyping facilities.
Dr. Steffen Kawelke of the German Federation for Plant Innovation (GFPi) gave an overview on plant breeding research in Germany while Dr. Peter Welters (Phytowelt Green Technologies) shared his experiences with plant biotechnology companies and research spin offs.
An evening seminar focussed on how to develop convincing project ideas for academia and business.