Basic bioinformatic training for biologists

Summer school

Sep 25, 2017 – Sep 27, 2017 Gatersleben

Basic bioinformatic training for biologists

During the PLANT 2030 Summer School, 25 young plant scientists gained insights into bioinformatics and statistics in plant sciences. The Summer School was organized in collaboration with the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (de.NBI) and took place in Gatersleben September 25th to 27th, 2017.

The course provided hands-on introduction to useful bioinformatics tools for biologists with little or no previous knowledge. The training thus enabled biologists to process their own small and large datasets using R and Linux based methods and was entirely computer-based with interspersed lectures. Topics were:

  • Introduction into Linux and R (Ubuntu, RStudio) – Andrea Bräutigam
  • Sequence analysis using Blast and simple phylogenies (Ubuntu, Blast+, seaview) – Uwe Scholz
  • Data processing with Linux tools (awk, sed, …) – Martin Mascher
  • Introduction to databases (concepts, SQL, programming) – Matthias Lange
  • Statistics and figures (R) – Yusheng Zhao


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Basic bioinformatics training for biologists

Course material of the summer school 2017

The summer school offered a hands-on introduction to useful bioinformatics tools for biologists with little or no previous knowledge. The organizers of the GCBN provide the course material for download.